Interested in Dominican Republic mission trips?
Our missions partnership in the Dominican Republic works hand in hand with the local church in fulfilling the Great Commission among some of the poorest villages in the Western Hemisphere, facilitating sports outreach, youth development, and community development.
Missional Focus
- Facilitating gospel-centered sports ministries for youth
- Developing life skills through English teaching, vocational training, and more
- VBS programs and special needs ministries for orphans and Haitian migrant/refugee children
- Young adult ministries, including camps and conferences
- Sports ministry development, coach training, and resourcing churches, schools, and bateyes
- Training modules for evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and pastoral ministry
Dominican Republic Mission Trips
We help mobilize teams for children’s ministry with orphans, outreach to migrant children in the bateyes, community-wide sports clinics, and youth camps/conferences. Our network has the opportunity to send mission teams to assist the local church in offering basic humanitarian aid such as providing clean drinking water, promoting health and nutrition programs, building sanitary latrines, and assisting with construction projects.
Some of this work takes place in the sugar plantations of the Dominican Republic, where Haitian immigrants live in “bateyes.” Bateyes are extremely poor communities of marginalized tribes who live in bleak conditions. They often go without adequate running water, garbage collection, or sanitary latrines. They are a stateless people with limited access to education, health care, and social services. This has created a cycle of illiteracy and extreme generational poverty.
And yet many of those in the bateyes suffer from an even deeper plight—spiritual poverty.
A basketball court we built for Dominican orphans in Barahona.
Baseball Ministry in the Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic is a wonderful destination for baseball ministry, given the sport is at the very heart of Dominican culture. It’s a fitting mission trip for players and coaches who are interested in baseball ministry with youth who are very serious and intentional about their training. Dominican youth are always excited to train with Americans and engage in “friendly” scrimmage matches. Baseball presents a wide open door for the gospel (evangelism and discipleship) in the Dominican Republic.
Mission Trips Inquiry
If you’d like to join us on a Dominican Republic mission trip, or customize a trip for your team, contact us for more info.
Sports Equipment Needed
If you have any baseball equipment or other sports gear lying around that isn’t being used, please consider donating it to our Dominican Republic partnership. Baseball is a major incentive that keeps many youths off the crime-ridden streets. Contributing sports equipment like balls and gloves is one way that we can combat extreme boredom and help curb delinquency in the Dominican Republic. Contact us for drop off locations.