Every child deserves an opportunity to go to camp… no matter what hardship they might face.
Breakaway Outreach provides life-changing, gospel-centered adventure camp experiences for underprivileged children and kids facing hardship in their lives. We offer summer and winter camp scholarships for kids affected by economic insecurity, family hardship, trauma, parental incarceration, transitional living from domestic violence, and other ACEs (adverse childhood experiences). Our camps are places of refuge where Psalm 82:3-4 is fleshed out over and over again…
“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
Most of our campers come from East Tennessee, North Georgia, and Western North Carolina, but sometimes we get referrals from outside of these regions due to the reputation of our camp’s effectiveness in working with trauma-impacted children. Virtually all of the campers we serve through our flagship “Camp Elevate” program would not be able to experience a summer or winter camp without our community partners providing them full or partial scholarships.
Camp becomes a place of belonging in which every child can experience God’s love, life-giving community, social resilience, team building activities, and character development.
Breakaway camps have all the fun a child needs in a safe and nurturing environment…
SUMMER: sports, recreation, swimming, rafting, hiking, arts, community projects, team building activities, creative talent shows, foreign language learning, and more!
WINTER: many of the same activities as summer camp but with winter themes and lots of HOT COCOA!!!
These overnight excursions serve to increase a child’s social and resiliency skills, community building aptitude, leadership development, and spiritual/holistic growth. Our summer and winter camps transcend s’mores and campfires, providing a safe space for kids to learn all about the life-changing message of Jesus and God’s unconditional love for them. These camps also build bridges of trust with young people, fostering pathways for year-round mentoring relationships.
How You Can Help
VOLUNTEER: The summer/winter camp outreach is a great missions opportunity for individuals, entire families, or church groups with a heart to serve. Contact us for more info about serving.
DONATIONS: We need partners who are willing to help with full or partial scholarships to give kids camping experiences that shape eternity in their hearts and build resilience in their lives. Any GIFT amount makes a HUGE difference! You can make a secure online donation by clicking the “DONATE” button or mail your check to the address below.
Breakaway Outreach
P.O. Box 3452
Cleveland, TN 37320
“I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Breakaway Outreach. My biological father was always incarcerated and I was sent into foster care. I started camp as a tiny little camper and now I get to serve as camp nurse! I graduated from Lee University with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing and I am currently working as a Nursery and Postpartum Nurse. Breakaway Outreach is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an outreach of family and community that all come together because we truly care about God’s children.”
“Before the first year at camp, it was the lowest part of my life. I had lost my mother and sister in a tragic car wreck. I was being bullied at school and was planning to commit suicide when I received an invitation with a scholarship to attend Breakaway camp. I decided to put off the suicide plan and attend camp. It was the best decision I ever made. I gave my life to Jesus at camp and then Breakaway helped me get involved with a local church. My life still has ups and downs but I know now that God has me no matter what.”
What Your Gift Will Provide:
LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCES: Breakaway camps and retreats offer children a safe place where they can come and create memories for a lifetime, build healthy relationships, and most eternally significant: hear and respond to the life-changing message of Jesus Christ!
ONGOING MENTORING: The positive relationships born at camp continue long after camp is over. Camp serves as a catalyst that fosters sustainable mentoring relationships in the lives of Breakaway kids all year round. It is truly the gift that keeps on giving!
COMMUNITY BRIDGES: Camp is often the medium that builds restorative bridges into the lives of many hurting families in our community. When children come home from a camp or retreat after having the adventure of a lifetime, families are typically open to receiving other ministries that Breakaway and our partner agencies afford. Many distressed families have been connected with local churches because of a seed that was planted at a summer camp. Your gift not only sends a kid on a life-changing childhood adventure, it can be instrumental in healing entire families.