Why Baseball Outreach in Europe?
Baseball Outreach in Europe
For over a decade Breakaway Outreach has been mobilizing mission teams to facilitate baseball camps in Europe. Why do we do this? This video answers that question. Listen to some of our camp leaders in Italy, Ireland, and Germany, share how this ministry is reaching people far from God and transforming lives.
Europe a Forgotten Mission Field
Europe has been described as one of the most forgotten mission fields of our day. Once at the epicenter of the sending church, today it is a region where the church has faced attrition. The church in Europe has the lowest growth rate at 1.1% annually. Europe’s cities, through their diverse populations and activities, produce connections with individuals and cultures from around the world. Imagine what would happen if that influence could be harnessed to extend God’s Kingdom.
Why Baseball?
Baseball is a relatively unknown sport in Germany. Having Americans instruct baseball is not only engaging for German youth, it impacts entire families and communities. Utilizing baseball camps for 8-18 year old young people has proven to be groundbreaking in its effectiveness to share the gospel.
Short Term Mission Trips
We provide short term mission trips for Americans to serve in Germany. Although you don’t have to be a baseball player to go, a general knowledge of the game is important. The most important aspect is your willingness to serve others and build relationships with our German friends. Contact us about mission trip dates and locations.
Must Read Missions Books
Looking for some interesting reads on the topic of missions? Here are some popular missions books worth recommending:
Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions | John Piper
This third edition of Piper’s bestselling book shows that worship is the ultimate goal of the church and provides readers with a sound theological foundation for missions. Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate.
Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot- and Cold-Climate Cultures | Sarah A. Lanier
In this quick read, Lanier provides a practical introduction to understanding cultures through the categories of “hot-climate” (relationship-oriented) and “cold-climate” (task-oriented) cultures. Foreign to Familiar is a splendidly written, well researched work on cultures. Anyone traveling abroad should not leave home without this valuable resource! Required reading for cross cultural workers. This book creates within us a greater appreciation for our extended families around the world and an increased desire to better serve them.
Peace Child | Don Richardson
This gripping true story is the firsthand account of Don Richardson, who served among a cannibalistic people group. In this tough climate, Richardson built a bridge between the Sawi’s sacrificial culture and the sacrifice of Christ to successfully explain the gospel for the first time. Peace Child is a great read for anyone interested in serving among unreached people groups.
Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation | Jason Mandryk
Now in its seventh edition, Operation World outlines key demographic, historical and spiritual data for every country in the world. The content is highly organized, making it easy to look up specific facts quickly, and there is also a daily prayer guide to help you pray for the nations.
Through Gates of Splendor | Elisabeth Elliot
Written in 1957, this classic missions book is written by Elisabeth Elliot, whose husband Jim was killed by the Auca Indians in Ecuador. Elliot details his journey with the other four missionaries who lost their lives sharing the gospel.
The Poor Will Be Glad: Joining the Revolution to Lift the World Out of Poverty | Peter Greer and Phil Smith
This challenging book outlines the distinction between a handout and hand up in the way we approach poverty alleviation. Greer and Smith draw on real-life experience to offer practical and actionable ways that individuals can contribute to the economic development of their community and the world. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to use community development as a platform to share the gospel.
Great Commission Companies: The Emerging Role of Business in Missions | Steve Rundle and Tom Steffen
For many countries that are socially and legally closed the gospel, workers must use creative methods to share their faith. In Great Commission Companies, the authors explain how business people are using their acumen to start companies and share the gospel all over the world.
A Spirituality of Fundraising | Henri J.M. Nouwen
Have you ever raised funds for your church, another organization, or a mission trip? Maybe you felt uncomfortable about asking people to donate money. It’s time to change the way you view this important task. Henri Nouwen explains why fundraising for ministry is not a burden but rather a tool for discipleship. “Fundraising is, first and foremost, a ministry.” Nouwen approaches fundraising from a position of strength rather than weakness, seeing it as spiritual work. “Fundraising is precisely the opposite of begging,” he points out. The core of fundraising is casting a compelling vision that people want to be part of.
Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission | J.D. Payne
“The nations” are now converging in neighborhoods around North America because of recent trends in globalization and migration. In this practical book, J.D. Payne offers insights and examples on how Christians can make meaningful cross-cultural relationships right in their backyard.
The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose in Your Life | Os Guinness
In this thoughtful work, Guinness contemplates the deep question, “What am I here for?” Guinness exhorts readers to consider what God’s calling is for their lives, stating, “No idea short of God’s call can ground and fulfill the truest human desire for purpose and fulfillment.” For those looking to be able to articulate God’s specific purpose for your life, this book is a key resource.