In this episode of the Breakaway Talk podcast, we hear Ray’s freedom story of encountering Jesus after being diagnosed with psychosis and mania in what he describes as the darkest season of his life. The old saying “the night is darkest before the dawn” proved to be true in this testimony of God’s deliverance and life-change.
Read MoreJosh Murray a.k.a. “Chef Mosh” is a culinary arts teacher at Sullivan East High School, pastor of students at Fellowship Baptist Church (Bluff City, TN), and Bama Nation aficionado. In this episode of the Breakaway Talk podcast, Chef Mosh gives us his college football season predictions (Hey Texas!!!), talks about learning high level cooking while working for a movie catering company in New Orleans, running from God’s call on his life, and coming home to East Tennessee where he now serves students as a high school teacher and youth pastor. Josh gives us a glimpse into his ministry philosophy (a.k.a. “The Yoke of Chef Mosh”), the imperative of serving others, and a theology lesson on “window cleaning.” Roll Tide!!!
Read MoreIn this book, author and Breakaway Outreach founder Jimmy Larche shares thirty-three stories of biblical characters God used despite their brokenness, weaknesses, and failures.
Kintsugi is a 500-year-old Japanese art with an interesting philosophy. In kintsugi, broken pottery is valued as a treasure rather than a piece of trash. The art treats breakage and repair as part of the esteemed history of an object—something of a redemptive beauty—rather than something to disguise, cover up, or replace altogether. That’s why in Japan, people will pay big money for the elegance and aesthetic appeal of “golden joinery,” the kintsugi method of mending a vessel after it has been fractured.
The brokenness of our past is an integral part of our unique story, and God’s glorious art of making beautiful things out of broken pieces.
When you consider all the people in Scripture who God used in redemptive ways, there is hope for anyone. God never sanitizes the stories of people in the Bible. Our modern church curricula and publishing agencies often “clean up” the stories of these “heroes,” especially when teaching them to children in Sunday School classes. Yet God gives the entire account for a reason. He gives the whole story—the good, the bad, and the ugly. The flaws and failures of others are canonized for a purpose. This is so that we would not glorify their successes or their failures, but that we would always make much of the God who is gracious enough, and faithful to love them despite themselves.
Abraham’s brokenness could be seen in the apparent biological flaw of being too old for God to use. Timothy’s brokenness could be seen in the opposite—being timid in the face of people who thought he was too young for God to use. Peter’s brokenness was exposed in his temperament, his impulsive behaviors, and his rash words at times. Plus, he denied Jesus three times when so much was on the line. The brokenness of Ruth and Naomi was felt in the grief of widowhood, the loss of loved ones. Hagar’s brokenness was rooted in a love triangle manifesting itself in jealousy, bitterness, and rejection. Hosea’s broken marriage was an embarrassing adulterous object lesson for an entire nation. Jephthah’s mother was a prostitute. Samson had a real problem with womanizing and revenge. Gideon was fearful and insecure. Martha was a chronic worrier. Elijah got suicidal. Jacob was a conniving, scheming cheater. Jonah was a prophet who ran from God because he didn’t like the people God sent him to minister to. Paul was persecuting Christians… before he became one. Noah got drunk… after doing something heroic for God. Joseph, well he came from a dysfunctional family that would’ve been typecast for a Netflix drama involving sibling rivalry, parental favoritism, abuse, and betrayal. These are the “elite” characters of that number one bestseller of all time—The Holy Bible.
Each of these characters are a picture of kintsugi—the way God views and values broken people, uses them for His glory, and redeems their stories for other broken people like you and me to be inspired with hope. Broken people are a treasure to God, and He has proven that throughout the ages.
If Jesus were the one telling our stories to others, what would the narrative sound like? If He was the one sharing your testimony, how would the story be told? What would be included? Imagine how pure, raw, and unrefined that would be.
Mark Betts coaches Ultimate frisbee at Breakaway sports camps. With over a decade of leadership experience in corporate America, Mark founded Entasi Consulting as an avenue to invest in leaders and to fulfill his passion of leadership development. Entasi is focused on helping guide teams to healthy levels of tension to unlock maximum performance. Mark has an MBA, is a certified Social Styles facilitator, and developer of the Lead Your Sphere leadership development program. In this episode of the Breakaway Talk podcast, Mark joins us to talk about embracing relationship tension in leadership and how the Japanese art of Kintsugi can be a picture of grace and redemption in leadership spheres.
Quinn Michael won multiple championships as an ATV racer in the Extreme Dirt Track racing series. He also became known as the “Jesse James” or “Orange County Chopper” of custom quad building. Quinn grew up in a bar where seeds for sexual sin were planted, was incarcerated a few times, and has a story to tell about sinful patterns that lead down a path to destruction.
Read MoreThis Genesis VBS theme or children’s Bible curriculum (Genesis 1-11) is based on the Old Testament origins of creation, fall, and redemption. We look at how God created the earth, gave light over the darkness, and formed mankind in His own image. We also see how humanity turned from God’s wisdom, evil became rampant, and God ultimately destroyed the earth with a flood and later scattered people from the Tower of Babel. Each session has a New Testament gospel connection that points to Jesus Christ as the “Light of the world.”
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