God the Father planned the role each of us would play in His Kingdom before we were created. The Father has a plan for each individual kid in your ministry. You are a few weeks into the school year so you should be getting to know the kids – take a moment and think of each kid who is coming to your ministry.
An extremely exciting and impactful event will be happening in Murfreesboro and throughout several areas of the Mid-Tennessee area when the new movie, “Seven Days in Utopia” is shown for the first time, September 2 – 8, 2011. The G – Rated Film will be shown in Cleveland, TN, at the Premiere Theatre 12 Cleveland: 137 Pleasant Grove Rd., McDonald, TN 37353, (423) 473-0041; and in Chattanooga, TN, at the Rave Motion Pictures East Ridge: 5080 South Terrace Chattanooga, TN 37412, (423) 855-9652.
The latest numbers on poverty among U.S. children are so striking that they make you do a double take. In 2009, 31 million kids were living in families with incomes below twice the federal poverty threshold. That’s 42 percent of the kids in the United States who are just a few of mom’s or dad’s paychecks away from economic catastrophe, says Patrick McCarthy, CEO of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, which released the statistics this week as part of its latest Kids Count study.
Nearly 8 million children in 2010 were living with at least one parent who was unemployed.
You can explore more of the findings focused on children and families here. And there’s plenty of other data to pore over — about disturbing trends at the national level and what’s happening in your state.
Breakaway Outreach founder Jimmy Larche releases new book (read the introduction below). A great resource for teens in crisis and those who minister to at-risk youth.
13-Foot Coffins: Because Giants Were Meant to be Slain
On September 10th, 1987, I sat in a cold, roach-infested cell of a juvenile detention center reflecting over the sixteen years of my life, which at the time felt more like fifty years. I had been locked up for three days now, spending the bulk of them observing every doorway, barbed-wire fence, barred window, and crevice, looking for a possible means to escape. I had grown accustomed to running. As a matter of fact, running is what ultimately landed me in the juvie center in the first place. Read More
Breakaway Devotional Project for Incarcerated Youth
Breakaway Outreach is developing a new spiritual growth resource for youth in juvenile detention centers. The goal is to publish a devotional resource that will help incarcerated kids begin a daily walk with God. The devotions will be written by a diverse group of individuals ranging from Christian professionals, athletes, music artists, entrepreneurs, authors, youth pastors, and more. We are seeking your participation in this project.
Today, in America, there are more than 14 million youth under 18 who are defined as “at risk” (of not reaching a productive adulthood). They face a relentless assault of negative influences which often result in drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, poor academic performance, violence, even death.
The Chattanooga Mentor program provides the opportunity for adults from our community to be matched with young people who need or want a caring, responsible adult in their lives.