2022 Camp Year in Review: Sports Camps

2022 “Camp Year in Review” Highlights
If you’d like to learn more about the great work God is doing through our camp partnerships and discover opportunities to join us in the mission, just send us your contact info!
Highlights include:
- Camps in Tennessee and Alabama for at-risk kids
- East Tennessee baseball camp for youth ages 6-14
- NASCAR KidVenturez retreat for boys
- Sports camps in Northern Ireland, England, Italy
- Winter English camp at an orphanage and baseball ministry in Dominican Republic
Serving Kids Facing Hardship
Camp Elevate is our flagship summer and winter camp program for kids facing hardship, serving East Tennessee, North Georgia, and Western Carolina. KidVenturez is our year-round adventure program. Through trauma-informed care and nearly 30 years of experience serving kids coming from hard places, we are providing safe places where young people can navigate their pain, experience life-change in Jesus, and “breakaway” from cycles of poverty, addiction, fatherlessness, familial incarceration, domestic violence, abuse, despair, and a myriad of other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
Sports Camps
Through gospel-centered sports camps, young people are conneting with coaches and getting skills training in safe and life-giving spaces.
Global Missions
Our passion is to see missional movements reaching youth for Christ multiplied across the streets, across the states, and across the seas. Our vision is to see entire communities impacted by gospel transformation and social resilience, to see indigenous leaders multiplied in championing the gospel among unreached people groups, and to help mobilize the church to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a lost and hurting world.

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